BHS Interscholastic Sports Credit

BHS Interscholastic Sports – 0.25 Credit
Grades 10-12

Students may earn up to 0.5 PE credit for completing two seasons of interscholastic sports team involvement at BHS. This option is available beginning 10th-grade year. Students will fill out a credit request form and successful completion of the season must be certified by the team coach.

The lead PE teacher will touch base with each sports team during the first week of practices. During these meetings, students are informed of the expectations for the completion of the credit. They are also assigned to a class in Schoology in order to complete the necessary requirements. If a student is not in attendance for the practice in which the lead PE teacher explains the requirements, it is the student’s responsibility to follow up with that teacher as part of the requirements for credit. In order to earn the credit, students must complete all three elements listed below:

  1. Participation in the sport for the entire season
  2. Weekly log of activities aligned with PE proficiencies
  3. PE proficiency reflection

Prerequisite: Students must earn at least 0.5 PE credits in their 9th-grade year AND be enrolled in a PE class their 10th-grade year (either semester).
Primary Graduate Expectation: Personal Development

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